CIVIC EDUCATION | The Winners and Losers in The Draft Constitution – Facts over Myths



By Pa Louis Sambou



Public and Civil Servants


1997 Constitution  

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Draft Constitution  

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Allowed to have another job




Not Applicable 


Not allowed to have any other job




Draft Section 27(1) 

                      VERDICT =                             LOSERS 


Fundamental human rights  


1997 Constitution  

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Draft Constitution  

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Courts have no discretion on the application of international human rights law when interpreting Constitution  






Courts have option to disregard international human rights law when interpreting the Constitution  


Permitted under draft section 10(3) 



State can only restrict 5 fundamental rights  


Right to Life  (section 18(1)) 



Right to Personal Liberty  

(section 19(1)) 



Protection from Deprivation of Property  

(section 22(2)) 



Freedom of Speech, Assembly Etc. (section 25(4)) 



Freedom of the Media, Press  

(section 209) 



State can restrict 30 out of the 33 fundamental 



Permitted under draft section 36 


State actors do not have a discretion to deny a citizen employment on grounds of religion  




State actors do have a discretion to deny a citizen employment etc. on grounds of religion  



Permitted under draft section 49(3) 

                            VERDICT =                             LOSERS 



The Gambia Diaspora  


1997 Constitution 

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Draft Constitution 

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State cannot pass law to restrict right to vote and contest public office 


Section 39(1) guarantees unconditional franchise 


State can pass law to restrict right to vote and contest public office e.g. deny Diaspora the vote 


Draft section 36 allows State to restrict political rights at draft section 53  


Can contest the Presidency, National Assembly and be appointed as Vice President if they give up other Nationalities 



Sections 62(2) and 90(1)(a) 


Cannot contest the Presidency or be appointed Vice President even if they give up other Nationalities 


Section 94(1)(a)  


No express mandate for Diaspora to exercise franchise in Diaspora and have Legislative representation 



Only general franchise under section 39  


No express mandate for Diaspora to exercise franchise in Diaspora and have Legislative representation 


Only general franchise under draft section 53 

                            VERDICT =                             LOSERS 


Youths, Women, Children and the Disabled (Differently-Abled) 


1997 Constitution  

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Draft Constitution  

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No fundamental human rights specific to the youths but no power given to the State to restrict any civil liberties enjoyed by the youths 




Rights of the Youths specified at draft section 64 but which can be restricted by the state. 




Draft sections 64 and 36 


Rights of women specified at section 28 but which cannot be restricted by the state. 




Section 28 


Rights of women specified at draft section 55 but which can be restricted by the state under draft section 36. 




Draft sections 36 and 55  


Rights of children specified at section 29 but which cannot be restricted by the state. 




Section 29 



Rights of children specified at draft section 56 but which can be restricted by the state under draft section 36. 




Draft sections 36 and 56 



Rights of the disabled specified at section 31 but which cannot be restricted by the state. 




Section 31 



Rights of people with disabilities specified at draft section 58 but which can be restricted by the state under draft section 36. 




Draft sections 36 and 58 


                        VERDICT =                             LOSERS 


National Assembly Members 


1997 Constitution  

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Draft Constitution  

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National Assembly can legislate as they see fit on matters of budget appropriation  




Sections 151 – 153 


National Assembly’s power to legislate on matters of budget appropriation restricted (not permitted to reduce judiciary budget) 




Draft section 198(3) 


National Assembly can sit for the entirety of their elected tenure 




Section 99(1) 


Tenure of National Assembly reduced by 4 months at the financial expense of the Members and Staff 




Draft schedule 4 (8)(1)(a) 


Limited oversight powers over the Executive 




More oversight powers over the Executive 


                        VERDICT =                             LOSERS 


The President and Ministers 


1997 Constitution  

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Draft Constitution  

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Limited oversight powers by National Assembly 




Limited oversight powers by National Assembly 



No Term limits 


Section 63 


Two term limits maximum 


Draft section 102(2) 




No retroactive restriction  



Retroactive 2 term limit restriction  


Draft schedule 4(5)(1) 


                       VERDICT =                             Evens 


The Judges 


1997 Constitution  

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Draft Constitution  

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No special Constitutional Pension guarantees for judges 




Section 142 


Guaranteed and special pension package for judges to retire on their last salary 




Draft Section 195 


Option to retire at 65 years; 



To compulsorily retire at 70 years 


Section 141(2)(a) 




Section 141(2)(b) 


Option to retire at 65 years; 



To compulsorily retire at 75 years 



Draft section 193(1)(a) 



Draft section 193(1) (b) 


                       VERDICT =                             WINNERS 


Religious Freedom  


1997 Constitution  

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Draft Constitution  

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An Islamic State cannot emerge through an amendment of an unentrenched provision 






The jurisdiction of sharia can be expanded and / or the Common law jurisdiction shrunk or removed by amendment of draft section 10 by National Assembly without a referendum 





Draft section 10 and Chapter x, part iii 


No gateway for any citizen to be denied employment etc. On grounds of their religion 




State actors have discretion to deny citizens employment etc. On grounds of their religion 



Draft section 49(3) 

note the use of ‘may’ (discretionary) instead of ‘shall’ (mandatory)


Muslims have an option to choose between Cadi courts or the Common law family courts  




Section 137(4) 


The Sharia courts will have compulsory jurisdiction over all family law matters involving Muslims 




Draft section 188(1) 


Non-Muslims excluded from Shariah Jurisdiction 




Section 137(4) 


Non-Muslim spouses, children and dependents of a Muslim shall be under the jurisdiction of the Shariah Courts for all Family law matters 




Draft section 188(1) 


Judges sitting in the Common law courts mandated to have Common law competence before sitting in such court 




Section 139 


No requirement for Common law competence before one can be appointed a Judge in Common law courts 



Draft section 191 

                        VERDICT =                             LOSERS



Fight Against Corruption  


1997 Constitution  

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Draft Constitution  

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Special Criminal Court introduced to deal with financial corruption 




Section 135 


Proposes to scrap the Special Criminal Court which deals with financial corruption 


(also see CRC final report at para 473) 



Chapter x, part ii 

                        VERDICT =                             LOSERS



With knowledge of these facts, are you still in support of the Draft Constitution Against your own legitimate interest? 


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