Transport Union Urges Politicians to Comply with Traffic Rules During Their Campaigns

By Sheriff Saidykhan

In a statement released by the Gambia Transport Union, they urged politicians to ensure compliance with traffic laws and regulations. The statement reads:

“The General Transport Union wishes to remind all drivers hired for the purpose of political campaign to
constantly ensure they adhere to Traffic Laws and Regulations, particularly regarding the manner in which passengers are carried during the campaign.

It is deeply concerning and utterly worrying that, people are left hanging on open doors of running vehicles, in certain instances many are left seated on top of vehicles without any protection, while others are left clinging on the back of vehicles; all in insecure  manners.

This precarious situation if left unaddressed has potential to cause serious Road Traffic Accidents which may lead to loss of lives and severe injuries.

In this regard, the executive of the General Transport Union wishes to solicit the cooperation of party leaders, independent candidates, drivers and individuals to always ensure safety is prioritized throughout the campaign period.

The GTU shall remain committed to promoting road safety, as well as the free movement of passengers and goods within and outside the country.”