OPINION | Former GNA Lieutenant Binneh Minteh Shares His Opinion on Essa Faal

“Be Careful Gambia” Writes Minteh

By Dr. Binneh Minteh 

Memorializing November 11th, 1994 Extra-judical Executions In The Gambia ( Part II): Essa Mbye Faal Prosecuted Alleged November 11th Suspects. 


It is often said that “the criminal is often enough not equal to his deed: he extenuates and maligns it”. Mr. ESSA MBAI FAAL is the typical extenuating Criminal taking Gambians for granted. Essa Faal’s attempt to minimize his role in entrenching Dictatorship and aiding in the abysmal destruction of livelihood is evident of his disrespect and selective treatment of witnesses allegedly involved in the November 11th, 1994 tragic events in the Gambia. 


Hypocritically, he allocated one suspect with a plot of land as a showcase or exploitative ploy and denied other witnesses he prosecuted to appear before him at the TRCC hearings. He falsely perverted the concepts of “victim” and “perpetrator” to consolidate his preconceived notions about violations of law he presided over during the dictatorship. This is the cunning ignorance  of Essa Mbai Faal we are seeing on our National Landscape aspiring to be our President. Never will that happen in this world, God willing. Mr Faal is a betrayer and a traitor.


How can Essa Faal look down upon Gambian Society so low with such manipulative and exploitative dominion informed by his penchant for power?  


To put the Essa Faal betrayal scheme into context, he is “the elevation of the type “man,” the continued “self-surmounting of man,” who  use a moral formula  as an overshadowing rrainbowof his  immoral deeds. The character of Mr Essa Mbai Faal is  a vivid reminder of the origins of an aristocratic society where truth is distorted. With such a character, lust for power and riches,  Essa Faal  can best be characterized to belong to ” Men with a still natural nature, barbarians in every terrible sense of the word, men of prey, still in possession of unbroken strength of will and desire for power, threw themselves upon weaker, more moral, more peaceful races”.


Where is the will to Truth Mr. Essa Mbai Faal?  What is Mr. ESSA FAAL hiding from the people ? 


Unearthing this Truth shouldn’t be difficult for Mr. Faal’s Bravado and manifested propagandist intellect. We must rise up against such unrepentent souls in our great nation to restore  our dignity and respect before their characters will set our great nation ablaze. They are dangerous, arrogant and vicious in their capricious pursuit for power and illicit riches.


What else is there for us not to  see about Essa Mbai Faal?  In the words of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche – “How could anything originate out of its opposite? For example, truth out of error? or the Will to Truth out of the will to deception? or the generous deed out of selfishness? or the pure sun-bright vision of the wise man out of covetousness” 


About the Author 

The author is Former Gambia National Army (GNA) Lieutenant, implicated in the 11th November 1994 abortive coup following which multiple GNA personnel suspected of being part of the coup were summarily executed by the AFPRC junta led by then Captain Yaya Jammeh. Author is now a Professor of Criminal Justice and Security Studies.

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