GPU empowers journalists’ on hate speech ahead of presidential election

GPU-UNOWAS Kick-off training on hate speech for journalists’

By Alimatou S Bajinka

The Gambia Press Union (GPU) in partnership with the United Nation of West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), and National Democratic Instutute (NDI) converged six days training on “hate speech”. 

The training, is divided into three batches slated from Tuesday 23-28  November 2021, held at Sunset Beach Hotel in Kotu.

The training, is aimed at building the capacity of journalists’ on how to appropriately tackle hate speeches especially during elections.

Mr. Emmanuel D. Joof, the Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) underscored the importance of the training, adding that hate speeches are rampant on social media platforms, intended primarily to incite violence.

 “I emphasis that this training is important, necessary, and timely, if you today scan the social media, the amount of hate speech, unsavoury and bigoted statements, and misinformation that is transmitted is boundless and most of them are geared to not only tarnishing the reputation of others but sometimes to incite hatred and or violence on particular individuals and or groups” he emphasised.

The significance of the training, he said will improve the capacity of journalists’, and to build their requisite knowledge towards tackling hate speech.

“I hope that this training for journalist will make them be aware of the issues surrounding speeches and statements that can generate intolerance hatred and violence; how to identify and monitor such statements and ways to mitigate and or counter them” he said.

Ms. Seraphine Wakana, United Nations Resident Coordinator in The Gambia, said Gambia is a signatory to the international human rights law and principles, committed to ensuring the protection of freedom of expression, equality and combatting discrimination.

 She said journalists’ should dutifully play their roles and take strong action against hate speeches, and to prohibit advocacy of hate speeches at all times.

She added “every right enjoyed comes with a certain level of responsibility and you are key to ensuring hateful messages do not make it across your platforms” she buttressed.

The Training targets 75 journalists raging from print, broadcast and online media platforms.