TRRC Recommends Prosecution of Jammeh, Others for Rape


By Amadou Manjang

The Truth Reconciliation and Reparations, Commission (TRRC) report recently submitted to President Adama Barrow, after months of investigating human rights violations under the former government, recommends former President Yahya Jammeh for raping Fatou Jallow (Toufa) and others.

The Truth Commission stated that Yahya Jammeh has committed rape against Fatou Jallow (Toufa), and protected witness DB 18, adding that on Jammeh’s ordered witness FB 17 was rape by the Junglers.

Protected witnesses are those whose identity were concealed during their testimonies at the Truth Commission public hearings for safety and privacy.

The Truth Commission also recommended the prosecution of Ousman Sonko, for his role committing rape of Binta Jamba, 15 year old girl in Lamin Daranka and  protected witness F and the harassments of five female prison officers of The Gambia prison services.

Jammeh’s hit squat the Junglers, are also recommended for prosecution, for raping and other forms of Gender Based Violence.

“The Commission recommends the prosecution of Foday Barry, Baba Saho, Kawsu Camera (Bombardier), Alagie Martin, Solo Bojang and Sheikh Omar Jeng for the multiple crimes they committed including the sexualized tortures they carried out and investigated under this theme,” the report stated. 

The above personnel’s were adversely mentioned during the TRRC public hearings on rape and sexualized tortures on females that were arrested and detained in their custody.

David Colley, the former director of Mile 2 prison service is recommended to be banned from taking up government appointed positions for five years for his roles in Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) at the Mile 2 prison.

Moreover, the Truth Commission report recommends the government to establish facilities such as one-stop centres with more trained staffs, and adequate facilities to receive and assist victims.

The government is urged to expand the One-Stop Centre approach for the management of SGBV and improve on the reporting mechanism by introducing a toll-free hotline which is accessible to all.

The Truth Commission wants law enforcement officials to be educated in dealing with Sex and Gender Based Violence cases as well as enforcing institutional policy couple with laws of the land to protect victims. 

“The government should ensure and put in law systems and structures for the enforcement of laws that protect the rights of women, such as the 2010 Women’s Act 2013 so as to ensure that the violations that happened in the past do not recur” the report concluded.