Yahya Sonko Critiques Mass Deportation of Gambian Migrants, Others



By Sheriff Saidykhan

Yahya Sonko, the founder of Nuimi fm and rights activist of Gambian migrants based in Germany, has Critiqued the mass deportations of Gambian migrants into the country. He said there is need for the government to reengage the European Union (EU), and revisit the mass deportations of Gambian migrants

He made these remarks in a WhatsApp interview with The Outpost on Thursday 20th, October 2022. 

“I think our government need to reengage the European Union, when it comes to deportation matters. The situation of our country is getting worst,” he decried.

The reintegration of these migrants he said, has been put into deaf ears by the government, adding that it poses a security threat into the country.

“What we should understand is that currently there are thousands of Gambians that are deported from Libya, Algeria and some parts of Europe. How many of them have sustainable reintegration,” he quizzed. 

According to him, the 25 Gambian immigrants that are set to be deported from Germany on November 11th, 2022 have past criminal records.

“Most of these people have been convicted here for some crimes. And also, few among them have exhausted all their legal chances of staying here,” he said. 

He added: “Some of these returness are frustrated, and most of them have psychological issues which is a security threat into the country. I think what we should do is to put a concrete plan of reintegration for them when they come” he concluded.