Suwaibou Touray Aims To Eradicate Poverty In Wuli East



By Sheriff Saidykhan

Suwaibou Touray, the National Assembly Member for Wuli East Constituency has aimed to eradicate poverty, through empowering the agrarian communities among other initiatives in Wuli East.

It is against this backdrop, he initiated the Wuli East Development Initiative (WEDI), a community based development with the aim to supporting development initiatives in the Wuli East Constituency.

“WEDI is a Community Based Organization which I initiated in 2017 for the purpose of supporting development initiatives in Wuli East Constituency. From 2017 to 2021, I continuously donate part of my sitting and other allowances received from the National Assembly to the WEDI which they use to support communities with development challenges relating to water, gardens, road maintenance, sport gears, fertilizer purchases and seeds,etc” he said.

He said the rationale behind the initiative, is geared towards supporting vulnerable women gardeners.

“So in 2022, the WEDI and I agreed to come up with a more sustainable development project which could serve to not only support the vulnerable people but also that could be used to generate extra funds within the Constituency. So the idea of a tractor came to the fore as it could engage in ploughing the fields of the vulnerable farmer women who do not have access to farming implement such as tractor, horse and donkey ploughs but had to wait for men who they depend on for ploughing and often times their planting gets late,” he remarked.

                                   On Poverty Eradication 

Acknowledging the poverty situation of the rural communities, he said many of the rural dwellers are still grappling with poor housing conditions.

“There is also a huge challenge regarding food security which threatens more than 70 percent of the Population and the vast majority of the rural dwellers are bedeviled by appalling housing conditions,” he observed.

The lawmaker for Wuli East Constituency said lack of drugs in most hospitals has contributed to the poor medical and health system of the country.

“Health care is a real nightmare as many people head to Banjul to seek for wellness for lack of quality health care due mainly to lack of qualified doctors and medical equipment as well as essential drugs in most health centers,” he said.  

He added: “I also lobby for projects from NGOs and Charities to support communities such as rehabilitation of disaster victims as well as small scale community or village initiatives such as gardening, Community Based health centers, infrastructure development initiatives such as building football fields, schools and water facilities and rehabilitation of dilapidated roads infrastructures, etc.  I took it upon myself to put aside my sitting allowances as contribution to support communities in all kinds of development endeavors especially in the area of water provision to vulnerable farmers living in hamlets with large animal population but without any clean drinking water to sustain them” he concluded