Editorial |The Net Benefits of Coffee


 |Survey Shows The Health Benefits of Coffee



In recent times, many held a customary  viewpoint that caffeinated coffee has for the past decades contributed to pneumonia, and many allied health problems. Scientific researchers have linked many health benefits of drinking caffeinated coffee. 

 Peter Rogers, at the University of Bristol in United kingdom (UK) says “people who consume coffee may simply have better underlying health than people who choose not to”. 

Marc Gunter, head of nutrition and metabolism at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) published a research in 2017 on drinking habits of coffee. 

His observational findings indicates that those who drink more coffee had a lower risk of dying from heart disease and  cancer, compared to people who didn’t take coffee at all. 

Coffee consumers have longer protective health than none coffee consumers. Also, coffee has a significant connection to cognitive alertness. 

Research has also shown that, those who drink coffee three to four times daily are more likely to live longer.

  A sip of coffee in the morning, enlivens one’s metabolism from night sleep.  Many consumers of Coffee in the country line up periodically around many Caffee corners, during rush hours. 

The local coffee in town commonly dubbed “Cafee Touba” is still widely consume by many people for it’s taste of caffeine. It has a historical connection, dating back to  the lifetime of Sheick Amadou Bamba.

  Many held the conviction that, the late orthodox sunni drank too much of Caffee during his lifetime. 

Coffee consumers are more psychoactive, comparison to none coffee consumers. The frailty of many health problems in the country, are due to many factors.  

Lack of observatory measures on many diets, coupled with bad eating habits has immensely contributed to poor health of many people. 

 The numbers of many sick and dead cases, are all caused by many consumption of foods in the country. The bad habits of food consumption has led to lot of obesities, among the young and aging population. 

 It is generally argued that too much of everything can be bad for health in every sense of the word – but sipping one cup of coffee, can simply make your day!