Editorial | The Divorce Marriages: Time To Rethink






Since the creation of mankind; marriage has been  an institution for two couples to foster unionism and be charitable towards one another. Ordained in all the major religious doctrines; marriage is also a way of worship.

Over the past years and now, the staggering number of divorce marriages has thus sparked a nationwide debate across different social strata.

Series of counter-discursive strategies  have been tabled by many Islamic Jurists towards addressing the issue, but all their concerted efforts remains unanswered at the borders of inquiry.

 There is need for a new paradigm shift towards mitigating the crisis.  Islamic Jurists has much in their archives; to educate the masses and draw a distinction between the past and present. 

Many of these divorce  marriages are left without any supported  evidence. Many held the view that marriage counselling is still needed to root out this growing trend. 

Many young people enters into marriage without  having any knowledge of maintaining expectations inside the marriage. Many of these breakaway   marriages has created an avenue for continuous blame game in many families. 

‘Sabr’ patients legends  say is the watchword  of any lifelong marital relationship. Today, that has been substituted by the pursuit of material dogmatism. There are many factors that contributed to the rampant divorce marriages. 

Lack of commitment has severed many marriage ties. Plus the frequent issues of many resultant conflicts; have negatively impacted many marriages. 

Hitherto; the rate of divorce marriages has become unabated. It poses many trickle down effects into our mainstream societies. When the trend is left unanswered; mistresses will continue to proliferate in our societies. 

The vision to shoulder the simmering situation conflicts in many marriages, and to formulate better policies; should be a soul search for all and sundry towards resolving  the growing trend at all times.