Gambia Participates Grandee Says Corruption Is Endemic At Health Ministry


By Sheriff Saidykhan

Marr Nyang, the Executive Director of Gambia Participates (GP) a civil society organization established to fight corruption, has said that corruption has become widespread and endemic at the Ministry of Health.

The mismanagement of public funds, he said, has become a commonplace at the Ministry of Health. He made these remarks recently with The Outpost Media at his office in Kanifing.

 “The Ministry of Health is becoming well known for the theft of public wealth and emergency funds. We have witnessed it with the mismanagement of the Ebola funds and the recent Covid-19 funds. Graft is systemic and endemic in this ministry because the leadership sits and watch things happen without doing something about it,” he queried. 

He added: “where corruption is widespread, there is no future for economic growth. The only future for economic growth is for the individuals who plunder the public wealth,” he said. 

His remarks came in the wake of the massive corruption scandal with over 10 million allegedly missing from the Global Fund Program, under the Ministry of Health. 

The Minister of Finance briskly wrote to the Head of Grant Management Division of the Global Health Campus in Switzerland saying “the government is seriously concerned about the audit findings”