GTBank Customers Lament Frustration Over Long Ques, Others


Customers of the Guarantee Trust Bank (GTB), one of the commercial banks in the country have lamented their growing frustrations over the long ques and poor banking service at the various branches of the  bank.

An anonymous source said he stopped banking with GTBank, due to the poor service delivery. This he said, has compelled him to switched doing banking transactions with GT Bank. 

Anna Sambou, a customer of the bank highlighted the lack of customer friendly service, which she said is difficult to make banking transactions. 

“At times it is very difficult to make transactions there, because some of the tellers are not friendly. Sometimes they talk freely to customers,”  she argued.

Lamin F. Fatty, a regular customer of the bank queried on the slow motion of effective service.

He also complained about the long que of customers, especially during the beginning and the end of the month. 

“Banking with GT Bank is one of the boring things, because they have many customers with slow service delivery.  Normally, end of the month and the beginning of the month when salaries are paid people que for hours just to make sure that they get their money. But it’s very disgusting; sometimes customers will be on the que and that’s the time when staffs will be getting up from their seats to go have breakfast leaving few staffs to attempt customers which is quite boring” he said.

Sulayman Sabally, also lamented on the poor internet connection. This he said, has been one of the main challenges for customers at the bank. 

“The poor internet connectivity has been the main factor of the long ques in the bank. And also the expensive charges for some banking transactions,” he  concluded.