Editorial | Technophobia: The adverse effects of online social media


Since the advent of new media technologies; it has somewhat contributed significantly towards the advancement of shaping popular discourse. 

There is rapid cognizance among concern citizens as a result of the influence of the new social media applications like Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube among others.

The influence has created an avenue for citizens to be abreast with daily happenings of the time.

Thanks to the influence of the new social media,  the citizens as right holders are now holding the duty bearers both private and public sectors accountable to ensure that they work towards addressing their needs and aspirations. 

In sharp contrast, it is well-nigh impossible to browse online nowadays without finding irrational discourse, hate speeches, cyber bullying, graphic nude pictures and videos in many online platforms. 

The exploitive use of social media among teens has negatively impacted their lives and livelihoods, with their abiding impression of watching harmful contents. 

Many of these young girls/women have one way or the other defaulted in their short careers, due to the harmful effects of social media. 

Many concern citizens have tabled series of discourse, with their growing quest of reimagining new ways towards safeguarding young people from the abuse of internet. Yet still, their efforts remains far from addressing the growing negative trend on the net.

Many technophobes are with the believe that social media app’s creates superficial appearances of relationships, through replacing real friends to virtual friends. 

There’s need for the powers that be; to revisit mitigation strategies couple with the incorporation of traditional methods to educate the public about the dangers of online social app’s.