Media Concern: GPU Still Concern About Safety of Journalists


By Sheriff Saidykhan

The President of Gambia Press Union (GPU) Muhammed S Bah, has said that the union is still concerned about the safety and security of journalists in the country. 

The recent assaults on two Gambian Journalists, whilst on duty covering the swearing-in ceremony of the  Mayor and Councillors of the Banjul City Council sparked condemnation from the Union. The two Journalists Malick B Cham of Jamano media, and Pa Ousman Joof of Gambia Talents TV (GTTV) alleged that the perpetrators are supporters of the ruling National People’s Party. 

 The Union President Muhammed S Bah, condemned the assault  saying “The GPU condemns the attacks  on two journalists in the strongest terms and its dismayed by the unfortunate and never ending trend of journalists being assaulted by political party supporters or at political agents with impunity,” said Muhammed S Bah. 

So far the Press Union has recorded 15 assault cases of Journalists, from 2017-2022 and still no single case has been brought to book and justice. 

Muhammed S Bah further reminded journalists and media workers to be safety conscious with security forces and party leaders at all times. 

“My advice as a whole is for journalists and media workers to be safety conscious and always do a risk assessment before they cover any incident,” he advised. 

He added: “The GPU will continue with safety training and also continue with dialogue with the security forces and the political party leaders,” he concluded.