IYS Chapters trains students on diverse skills


By Sheriff Saidykhan

The Inspiring Young Stars Chapters, an integral arm of the Inspiring Young Stars organization has recently trained  students on diverse acquisition skills at various  schools in the country. 

The flagship project forms a network of after school chapters in the country to help support Upper Basic and Secondary school students to become aspiring leaders through peer to-peer mentoring and positive discussions in a chapter style format. 

The objective of the flagship program is aim at creating a new generation of inspired, healthy and empowered leaders with the vision to create a network of united agents of change across different  schools in the country 

This medium was given a rare glimpse of the activities of various school chapters that  have been actively involved in diverse educational activities, each chapter adopted their own school wide culture and reinforcing learners participation in a rewarding and unique manners, this as a result impacted greater membership in various schools resulting IYS becoming a household name in some of the top secondary schools in the country, including Nusrat Senior Secondary, St Peter’s and Charles Jaw and Masroor Senior Secondary School among others.

Earlier this Year Masoor Inspiring Young Stars staged a school wide ACADEMIC ENREACHMENT CHALLENG, this project created an excellent practical skills academic encroachment platform, it gave  students of all grade levels their creative capacities through STEM and purposeful learning. 

Alagie Ndow, the founder of Inspiring Young Stars expressed his gratitude to the flagship program. 

“This exiting practical skills service have availed the young learners to challenge themselves, tap their skills and develop their own projects.

The activities includes inter class academic enrichment challenge, which all the classes participated from grade ten {10} to twelve {12} with different levels. The challenge has gone through multiple stages over the last month and now set for a grand final event. This came after multiple activities now that the challenge is a stage that 4 grade ten qualified for the finals, 3 grade 11 and 3 grade 12,” he said

Sanitary pads for girls, was initiated by Mariama Jadama, a chapter member at the  (Masroor Senior Secondary School) the rationale behind the initiative was to help   girls across communities in our today’s society vulnerable to and at risk due to /their monthly mensural periods. 

on her presentation she said “I made this sanitary pads to demonstrate and show girls like me to be able to make their own reusable pads, since most of us cannot afford to buy sanitary pads from the markets as they are expensive,” she remarked. 

At Nusrat IYS under her leadership, she introduced the Interfiled Championship, this project gave student leaders an amazing to tap their academic subject areas, in various aspect, demonstrating their capacities, through presentations, public speaking, debating, cultural performance and stage performance, students were given opportunities and supported in developing their stories. 

At St Peter’s, the Chapter concluded leaders development training for the Chapter  members, a total of 30 students participated in our Facilitative youth leadership. At the climax of the flagship program, certificates were awarded to each participants.