Pa Samba Jow: alledged visa fraud scandal undermines our country’s integrity


By Sheriff Saidykhan

Pa Samba Jow, Gambian political analyst, and rights activist based in Washington DC, U.S.A. said the recent alledged visa fraud scandal involving three Gambian diplomats at the U.S embassy has undermined the integrity of the country’s governance system.

 The alledged scandal has led to their immediate expulsion by the U.S. State Department to depart the U.S. with their families on the 17th July 2023. The diplomats are Abdu Cham, Alhagie Babou Joof  and Mustapha Sosseh.

Speaking to West Coast Radio popular Coffee Time show with Peters Gomez on Tuesday, Pa Samba Jow said he made series of enquiries to speak to the  Embassy staff, but added that his efforts remains unanswered at the borders of inquiry.

“I made few calls to the Information Secretary of the Embassy, neither pick up or return my calls. I also called the personal number of the Ambassador without success. 

I  then decide to call the official number of the Embassy it was put on hold and transferred my calls to the Information Secretary only to return back asked that I may leave my number, and my calls will be return. I enquired from the Secretary whether the Deputy Head of missions  was at the office, she could not verify his presents to me.

 When I asked about the others, the same answer was given. At 3pm ET, I tried my luck again by calling  the Embassy only to get a voice message that the voice mail was full” he said. 

For his part Ebrima G Sankareh, government’s spokesperson also on Coffee Time show expressed his disappointments of the alledged scandal, saying the government will launch its investigation into the matter. 

“obviously it is not good news for the government and President Barrow as the principle. He has accepted the American governmen’s position. The Gov’t will conduct its own investigation,” he concluded.