Senegal In Turmoil: Dr. Barry Says dialogue is needed in Senegal’s political crisis



By Sheriff Saidykhan

 Dr. Cherno Omar Barry the Deputy Executive Secretary (DES) of the Senegalo-Gambian Permanent Secretariat has said that there’s need for  dialogue to quel off the on going political crisis in Senegal. 

“Now there’s national dialogue being called, hopefully that could be an opportunity to begin to discuss with the President to find solution.

Why we are monitoring, we know there are efforts going to ensure there’s peace and stability,” he said.

In his interview on Coffee Time show with Peters Gomez on Tuesday, he said the Senegalo-Gambian Secretariat is aimed at ensuring peace, security and general development.

As a secretariat he said they are concern of the current political instability in Senegal.

 “Now if there is instability, because of the riots that are on going right now – so we are concern. Then there is a peace rupture,” said Dr. Cherno Omar Barry.

He added that Gambia and Senegal shared a thinning geographical boundary. Any political crisis he said, will directly affect Gambia.

“If you look at our geography, we shared one border with Senegal. And what is happening now is creating tensions of both sides of our borders

We are more vigilant to ensure that there is no spill over. We have lot of Senegalese here in The Gambia,” he said.


He added: “As a Secretariat, if there’s issues of this nature, we can make appeals to our immediate supervisors. So if there is issues like this, we reach out to them. 

And also if there is need to have meetings, and it is not possible in Senegal we try to have it in Gambia,” he concluded.