Alagie Barrow diagnosis national dialogue, as national think-tank

By Sheiff Saidykhan

Alagie Saidy-Barrow, former TRRC investigator has said that the national dialogue is the resemblance to the national think tank. 

He made these remarks in his regular contribution on the Coffee Time show with Peters Gomez on Tuesday. 

The rationale behind the national dialogue and the national think tank he said, is of two sides of the same coin.


“Some years ago at the height of the euphoria of the first exit of Yahya Jameh. Some genius came with the idea of the national think tank.

 I remember how so many people waited to know who will be the individuals  selected to be part of this national tink tank. 

As usual some among us waited what drive the notion of the think tank.

 When I read the concept note of the tink tank, I suspected that it was a vehicle going nowhere and time has proven my predictions right. 

Today I wake with another prediction. This national dialogue like the national think tank is also a vehicle to nowhere,” he posited.

He continued: “Yes some people will collect allowances whilst some will laugh all the way to the bank. But as a people, trapped in this colonial space it will not take us closer to nowhere we ought to be” he said. 

On Monday President Adama Barrow launched the national dialogue together with the opposition parties at the State House, to discuss the current political  status quo of the country with the Theme: “preserving the nation,defending the state and securing our resources”.

Alagie saidy-Barrow said he welcomed the idea of the national dialogue, but further added that its purpose will be defeated. 

“So I think dialogue is a good idea. But the good idea can be defeated by those chosen to implement it. Or crush by the procedure they will use to implement the idea” he said. 

He added: “Dialogue means nothing when intentions and minds are not align. Dialogue means nothing when words do not match with actions. 

Dialogue means nothing when being in power, being in the good books of those or keeping one’s job matters more than the welfare of the state.

Dialoque means nothing when accountability is sacrificed at the outside of politics or political expediency. Dialogue means nothing when it is not guided by shared values or principles. 

Dialogue means nothing when words are diametrically opposed to the actions we take. 

When dialogue is not built on mutual trust, or it does not take place between equals, or is built on honesty and sincerity such dialogue will only bear fruit to those who participate in it. 

The general public will gain little if anything. And public cynicism of the essence of dialogue, sense of mistrust on politicians will heighten . This national dialogue like the national think tank will take us nowhere,” he concluded.