Madi Ceesay calls for public consultation on FGM


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As the debate on the FGM gather pace in the country, the Honourable member for Serrekunda West Constituency has called for the FGM bill to proceed to committe level for debate.

War of words continue to ensue between the pro and anti FGM campaigners. 

Rights holders of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) called for the total ban of the practice, whilst the pro campaigners called on law makers to repeal the bill. 

Madi MK Ceesay said the bill should proceed to committe level for public consultation. 

“My position is  for the Bill to  proceed to committee level, so that the public engaged.

Law makers can’t make paws for people without consultations,” he said.

 He added: “Its is only then that the public can fully participate in law making. The members should not think for people they need to be consulted. 

That has always being my position any time a Bill is before members” he concluded.