GWA-FC threatens to demonstrate against external interference on FGM


By Sheriff Saidykhan

The Gambia Women are Free to Choose (GWA-FC) a pro female circumcision advocacy group have threatened to demonstrate against any external interference on FGM in the country. 

“We will mobilize and respond in our numbers to demonstrate against any interference from external FGM organizations or actions from donor countries that infringe on our democratic and constitutional rights as Gambian citizens,” the release said

In a press release yesterday, the group expressed concerned with Amnesty International’s misguided call on Gambin Parliamentarians to maintain a ban on FGM

 “W are concerned about misleading statements made by human rights organizations, such as Amnesty International. First, the terminology that is used in the Women’s Act 2010 is “Female Circumcision” and not Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), as we also mistakenly assumed. Gambian women do not practice or support the “mutilation” of females or males. 

Second, for an international human rights organization to issue such a press statement pressuring the democratically elected National Assembly Members in The Gambia to maintain a ban that is unpopular, unconstitutional and against the best interest of women and girls in the country is an egregious violation of the democratic rights of the women of The Gambia,” the release added.

The release stated that grassroots organizations and other agencies are financially backed by anti FGM industry.

“The actions of Amnesty International as well as other international organizations, NGOs and even western diplomatic and UN representatives in The Gambia are not in the interest of Gambian women, but of perpetuating a western financed anti-FGM industry and the lucrative salaries of so-called human rights activists relative to ordinary Gambians. 

The release added: Third, the human rights conventions that are mentioned in the Amnesty International press statement, The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and The Elimination of All Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) do not make any reference to female circumcision or even FGM. 

Only The Maputo Protocol, to our knowledge, prohibits FGM albeit without defining what exactly this practice constitutes. Once again, GWAFC and the vast majority of Gambian women do not practice or condone the “mutilation” of girls.

 What the CRC and CEDAW do share in common with the Maputo Protocol and the Constitution of The Gambia are provisions that guarantee gender equality and equal protection under the Law. 

The practice of female and male circumcision in The Gambia is gender inclusive and both honor and celebrate the dignity of the sexes and transitions from childhood to adulthood. Both male and female practices are

complementary and interdependent cultural expressions of gender and are in line with local interpretations of Islamic duty and purity,” the release concluded.