COPG Critiques Gov’t Foreign Policy, Others

Team Outpost

The Coalition of Progressive Gambians (COPG) have critiqued government foreign policy. 

The group expressed its deep concern over the recent treatment of Gambians in the diaspora particularly on the recent deaths of Gambians in Egypt and Germany and the inhumane treatment of Gambians deported from Germany. 

“In the 21st century where international law and order in line with human rights is advocated globally, it is disappointing and disheartening to see the gross violation of human rights by custodians of the laws in those countries that champion the advocacy of human rights. 

We call on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to come out and explain to The Gambian people the reasons for the deaths and inhumane treatment of Gambians abroad and deportees as well” the release said.

The group further called on the government through its foreign ministry, to redefine its foreign policy approach to deploy the right personnel with ethical standards.


“Its time for the Ministry to redefine The Gambia’s foreign policy and ensure proper agreements in line with mutual respect are put in place and the right personnel deployed to represent The Gambia’s interest. Foreign Affairs is the Ministry that defines the Gambian image and likeness internationally and must be defined with highest degree of moral attitudes, ethics and values” according to the statement.

The statement added: “Moreover, this is the ministry that can buy us international recognition and respect.We are living in the century where there are no longer subjects and our sovereignty must never be compromised. Countries must treat and regard each other as partners irrespective of size or population. We therefore expect our government to regard every Gambian life sacred, dear and very important. Gambian peoples tolerance and smiles must not be abused. The authorities of those countries that failed our cordial relationship  and acceptable values must be held responsible and questioned for their negligence and lack of concern and respect for human rights. 

The Coalition of Progressive Gambians therefore calls on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to consult with those countries to put a stop to the reoccurrence of these unfortunate situations. The maltreatment of Gambians in other countries as Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Germany and the intrusion of Senegal in our internal security in recent years has questioned our foreign policy and sovereignty. The government of The Gambia really needs a total overhaul of our foreign policy and personnel attached to foreign service to regain our international integrity and respect,” the statement concluded.