KairCLO Holds National Symposium On Waste Management

Team Outpost 

Kairaba Conversation and Leadership Organization (KairCLO) has on Wednesday held a daylong national symposium on waste management, marking the centenary year of the late Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara.

The event held at Ocean Bay Hotel, Cape point Bakau brother together civil society organizations and people from different walks of life, to mitigate strategies towards combatting the effects of environmental degradation, with the THEME “Waste Management and Transformation Opportunities in the Gambia”. 

Speaking at the gathering, Dr. Sidat Yaffa, Deputy Vice Chancellor UTG and Director of WASCAL Gambia Thanked KairCLO for the initiative, saying the late Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara envisioned the Banjul Declaration towards conserving the flora and fauna of the environment.

“Sir Dawda had a vision decades ago to protect the flora and fauna of the environment” he said.

Boubou Hallow, representing the Minister for environment said waste is dump at the informal dumpsite, adding that they emit to greenhouse gas or global warming.

“Most of these wastes are either burnt or rotten, and it has lot of effects to the environment and global warming”. 

Environmentalists, called for waste management for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.