ToT On Food Fortification Underway

Team Outpost 

National Nutrition Agency (NANA) in partnership with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop (CRS) has on Friday kick-off five days capacity building Training of Trainers (ToT) on Large Scale Food Fortification (LSFF) in Foni, Bwiam.

The training brought together nutritionists, stakeholders and experts to brainstorm on the need for the revival of food fortification in the country.

During the training participants will develop the skills to apply Social and Behavioral Change Communication (SBCC), and the Inter Personell Communication (IPC) effectively in their work.

Ousman Dem, Program Manager, Social and Behavioral Change Communication (SBCC) said the training is vital as it will equip participants on food fortification knowledge and skills.

Adama Jallow, of Point Newspaper said the training will enable him to acquire requisite knowledge on food fortification.

“I will be equiped with an additional knowledge for better improvement.” he said.

The training on the use of the Social and Behavioral Change Communication (SBCC) materials on large scale food fortification he said, would help in a long way.

“I expect to gain so much knowledge with vast understanding on the subject area as I am learning with great interest. I believe after the session, I would be in a better position to train others in the near future.” he concluded.