Gov’t urged to reconsider eviction notices “to over 950 property owners in Farato’

Team Outpost 

Muhammed S. Bah President of the Gambia Press Union, (GPU) has urged the government of President of Adama Barrow through the Sheriff of the High Court to reconsider the eviction notices to over 950 landlords and property owners in Farato, requiring them to vacate their properties by June 13, 2024.

“I urge President Barrow and Minister Hamat Bah to intervene swiftly and ensure that the interests of the majority are protected,” he urged. 

The court decision stated that the land belongs to the Alkalo of Bafuloto.

In his regular Facebook activism Muhammed S. Bah, said these homeowners, who legally purchased their land from Manor Properties, have built homes and invested their life savings into these properties. 

The impending evictions, he said, threaten to render thousands of Gambians homeless, “creating a scenario ripe for conflict and instability.”

He added: “The government must act to mediate this dispute and find a solution that prevents mass homelessness and upholds the rule of law. It is imperative to address this issue with urgency to maintain peace and stability in our communities.” he concluded.