
Showing posts from July, 2024

COPG calls on President Barrow to desist from hateful and intimidating speeches.

Mr. President, the Coalition of Progressive Gambians is once again very disappointed by your recent speech during the opening of your party's political bureau in Brikama. Mr. President, it's important to note that such rhetorics are very divisive and dangerous especially at a time when Gambians are faced with unprecedented economic hardship and challenges. Our expectations at these hard times are the way forward for a sinking economy, widespread corruption, unemployment, drugs and illegal migration which claims a lot of young lives. It is the responsibility of your government to make proposals and plans to mitigate these problems. We are not against the inauguration of your party's political bureau, but expected to hear what your leadership through your party can do to better the lives of the Gambians whose votes gave you the executive powers to lead and become President. Mr. President we believe history is always a learning point and the past should teach you and those aro

UDP Issues statement of President Barrow’s verbal attack on Ousainou Darboe

On behalf of the general membership of the United Democratic Party and indeed all decent Gambians, the National Executive of the United Democratic Party (UDP) condemns in the strongest possible terms, the unwarranted and distasteful vitriol uttered by the President of the Republic of The Gambia, Adama Barrow, against the Party Leader and Secretary General of the UDP, His Excellency ANM Ousainou Darboe. On Saturday, July 27, 2024, while inaugurating a political party bureau in Brikama, the President stated to a cheering audience that he will remain President until Mr. Ousainou Darboe’s death. Here is a translated version of the essence of his statement, which he made in Mandinka. "I will take an oath today that I will remain as president until Ousainou Darboe dies. Until such time that he is dead, I will remain president. That is the contract I have signed. When his death is announced, and I attend his funeral, then I will be fulfilled as president, and I can step aside." – Ad

Fifteen people killed, over 150 missing after boat capsizes off Mauritania, IOM says

Photo credit: Reuters  (Reuters) - Fifteen people were killed and more than 150 were missing after a boat carrying 300 passengers capsized near Mauritania's capital Nouakchott on Monday, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Wednesday. The Atlantic migration route from the coast of West Africa to the Canary Islands, typically used by African migrants trying to reach Spain, is one of the world's deadliest. Summer is its busiest period. The IOM said the Mauritanian coastguard rescued 120 people and that 10 of them were taken to hospitals while efforts to locate the missing continued. It said the passengers were travelling from Gambia and that they had spent seven days at sea before the shipwreck. Ibba Sarr, a fishmonger at a waterside fishmarket in Nouakchott, said that strong winds in the past had two days moved the bodies closer to the shore and he saw around 30 bodies being collected from the beach. "Surely other lifeless bodies will be discovered in

Release | Response to Threats of “Arrest” and “Deportation” by anti-FGM Activists

  Release   Gambian Women Are Free to Choose is publishing this press release – our fourth this year – to bring to the attention of the Gambian public, the Gambian authorities including the Ministry of Interior, as well as the ECOWAS Representative, Sierra Leone Embassy, U.S. Embassy, other diplomatic missions, local and international NGOs, CSOs, and importantly Gambian and international journalists, recent threats against my person, Dr. Fuambai Sia Nyoko Ahmadu, Founder and Executive Director of Gambian Women are Free to Choose (GWAFC). On July 15, 2024 at around 9am, myself, my personal assistant, Fuambai Jallow, and a colleague from Australia, were verbally harassed in full public view by anti-FGM activist, Ms. Jaha Dukureh, in front of the gates of the National Assembly. Ms. Dukureh was yelling at us and at the riot police guarding the gates instructing the latter to not let me in, screaming “she is not a Gambian, do not let her in, she doesn't belong here!”. In the early morni

National Assembly Confirm Appointment of Information Commissioners

  Team Outpost     Lawmakers of the National Assembly have yesterday confirmed and approved the appointment of five commissioners for the Access To Information (ATI) along with a proposed package remuneration. The Ministry of Information is pleased to announce that the National Assembly has confirmed the appointment and approved the salary scale of the Information Commissioners. This decision marks a significant step forward in the implementation of the Access to Information (ATI) Act 2021, which aims to promote transparency, accountability, and access to public records and information. On 8th July 2024, the Hon. Minister of Information, Dr. Ismaila Ceesay, moved a motion at the National Assembly for the confirmation of the appointments and remuneration packages for the Information Commissioners. These appointments, made by H.E. President Adama Barrow, in accordance with sections 42 (1) and 42 (2) of the ATI Act 2021, followed a comprehensive and inclusive nomination process. The nomin

“Accountability is not negotiable…” ANEKED Country Director

By Sheriff Saidykhan   Sirra Ndow, the Country Director of African Network against Extrajudicial Killings and Enforced Disappearances (ANEKED) has said that accountability is not negotiable in the face of injustice and gross human rights violations.  She rebuked exiled former Gambian President Yahya Jammeh’s called for unity and forgiveness, saying that cannot be possible at the expense of justice, accountability and reparations for victims. “In our context, unity and forgiveness is essential; however, it cannot come at the expense of justice, accountability, and reparations for victims. It also cannot come at the expense of reforms to ensure that no one can ever do what he did to Gambians and The Gambia.” she said. In a recent telephone interview with this medium, the rights activist highlighted the significance of Jammeh’s prosecution to victims. She added that Jammeh committed human rights violations against Gambians and non Gambians alike. “As to why Jammeh's prosecution is imp

“We are facing indiscriminate corruption”- Says Celestine Kujabi

   Celestine Kujabi  Team Outpost  Celestine Kujabi, the Secretary General of Coalition of Progressive Gambians (COPG) has said that the country is facing rampant and indiscriminate corruption.  He said the high rate of institutional corruption, and those running the said corrupt institutions have shown no remorse for corruption. “It's very sad for a population that prides itself in strong religious beliefs with good ethics to register such a high rate in rampant and indiscriminate corruption. Unfortunately our institutions are also occupied and managed by a human resource who has no sense of remorse for corruption.” he said. In a telephone interview with this medium on Monday, he further stated that the government of President Adama Barrow is not sensitive to the adverse effects of corruption in the country. He added that the changes made in the Anti-Corruption Commission manifested the government's lack of commitment to fight corruption. “If we have a government which is not

ANEKED concludes legal empowerment training for communities

  Team Outpost  The African Network against Extrajudicial Killings and Enforced Disappearances (ANEKED), has on Tuesday concluded a weeklong legal empowerment training for different communities across the country. The weeklong training was meant to educate individuals about the upcoming trial of Michael Correa, its significance, legal procedures and potential outcomes.  Michael Correa, 41, was an alleged member of this notorious death squad, set up by former President Yahya Jammeh whose members have confessed to committing torture and other serious human rights abuses. Sirra Ndow, ANEKED Country Director said people's participation is important to fully trial and the accountability process.  “For people to engage and participate meaningfully and support the process, it is, therefore, necessary to ensure they understand the basics of legal procedures and processes.” she said. She added: “Many people have shared that they did not know that we do not have some of the laws, such as en

ECOWAS Court Orders Ghana to Release UN/ECOWAS Investigation Report in Case of Enforced Disappearance During the Regime of Dictator Yahya Jammeh in The Gambia

On Friday 12 July 2024, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Court of Justice issued a landmark decision in a case of enforced disappearance in The Gambia during the regime of former Gambian President Yahya Jammeh, by which it found that the Republic of Ghana violated the right to information, as guaranteed by article 9 (1) of the African Charter on Human and People's Rights of 27 June 1981 and article 19 (2) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The ECOWAS Court also ordered the Ghanaian Government to release to the Plaintiff, no later than four months from the date of service of its Judgement, documentation and a videotape in its possession in relation to that enforced disappearance, including the 2009 joint UN/ECOWAS investigation report, the Ghanaian coroner’s/pathologist’s report on the bodies returned by The Gambia to the Republic of Ghana in 2009 and a report on the disbursement of the money paid by The Gambia to Ghanaian families. In

Wellingara School Shooting: Security expert calls for action to control guns

Team Outpost  The Gambian-U.S based criminologist has called for tougher action to control guns in the country. Mod Lamin Faye, a specialist on law enforcement and national security matters said proper investigation needs to be done to ensure accountability into the shooting incident that involved a pupil at Wellingara School, West Coast Region. He made these remarks during the weekend in a telephone interview with this medium. “The child took the gun from the house to the school, so investigation should start from the house.” said Mod Lamin Faye. The Gambia Police Force (GPF) said they are currently investigating the shooting incident at the Wellingara Lower Basic School, which was reported by the vice principal of the school last week.  The police quickly responded by dispatching their personnel at the scene, recovered the firearm and secured it. At a time of going to press this medium contacted the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Gambia Police Force (GPF), to no avail.  He sa

WoJAG Condemns Attacks On Two Female Journalists

 Women Journalist Association of The Gambia – WoJAG is concerned with the recent reports of physical, verbal, and cyber-attacks on two of its members, Kaddy Jawo of Malagen and Jainaba Sonko of QTV Gambia. Kaddy was physically assaulted and verbally abused by security officials at the National Assembly on Monday July 8th, 2024 while she was at the Assembly to cover parliamentary proceedings. The attacker alleged Kaddy was not modestly dressed and therefore will not be allowed entry in the legislative house. The abuser’s attack left life-threatening bruises on Ms. Jawo’s neck. Jainaba on the other hand was subjected to online threats, bullying and insults after a video of hers was circulated online where she criticized the conduct of peaceful protesters on QTV’s morning show. WoJAG condemns in the strongest of terms the actions of the National Assembly security officer and the Cyber bullying on the said young women Journalist. The public and the assembly are urged to desist from practic

Gambia Declares Poliovirus Outbreak

Team Outpost  The Gambia government through the Ministry of Health has declared the emergence of Poliovirus Outbreak in the country. “It is with a deep sense of concern that I write to inform you that the country has experienced another outbreak of a new strain of Poliovirus cVDPV from the environmental surveillance site located at Banjul.” the release said.  According to the release three environmental samples collected from Tallinding Daru Salam, Kotu Agua Gambia and Banjul were sent for sequencing to the Regional Polio Laboratory in the Republic of Senegal.  “We received the results in May 2024 and the sample collected from the Banjul site was positive for cVDPV 2” the release added. The results showed that the virus is genetically linked to the virus currently circulating in Guinea Conakry. The Ministry further called on the support of the general public to respond to the outbreak.

Police Investigates Shooting Incident At Wellingara School

Team Outpost  The Gambia Police Force (GPF)  are currently investigating a shooting incident at Wellingara Lower Basic School, at West Coast Region, which was reported by the vice principal of the school. The incident has caused panic and shock for the residential areas. The police quickly responded to the scene, recovered the weapon, and secured it. The public will be duly informed of any developments as the investigation into the incident continues.  This is a developing story. 

Release: COVID-19 screening test result for returned pilgrims

  Release   The Ministry of Health wishes to inform the general public that the process for testing returned went smoothly. The outcome of the screening resulted to three individuals tested positive for COVID-19. However, they are all symptomatic and advice to adhere to public health measures as given below:  Maintain social distancing and wear masks always and should report to the nearest health facility if the need arises. Regularly wearing masks that fully cover their nose and mouth. Ensuring that their hands are clean when they are to put on and remove their mask. Avoid poorly ventilated or crowded places. Opening windows to improve ventilation indoors. Washing their hands regularly with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer. Reduce exposure to high risk environment (e.g, crowded indoor gatherings. The Ministry of Health will continue to provide support and guidance to those affected, ensuring that all necessary precautions are taken to safeguard the community.

‘Fighting hate speech must start with President Adama Barrow’ - Lare Sisay

By Sheriff Saidykhan  Lare Sisay, Retired Senior Manager at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and a leading voice of the main opposition United Democratic Party (UDP), has said that fighting hate speech in the country must start with himself the President  He made these remarks at the Popular Coffee Time Show on West Coast Radio with Peter Gomez on Thursday.   “I heared the National Human Rights Commission talking about hate speech is bad, it creates conflict. It must start with him the President, and those that surrounds him that make incendiary statements.” he said  He called on the government of President Adama Barrow to focus on the ‘bigger picture’ of the country, chief among which is the cost of living crisis. To deflect and demonize he said, is the typical strategy of the government. “When you demonized an opposition party, or an individual, you loose heavily in terms of what input they can bring to solve the problems of the country.” said Lare Sisay.            On

Column | My Notion Of The State

By Alagie Saidy-Barrow  Mr Speaker, I greet you. Mr Speaker, before proceeding, let me say that you look very healthy. Mr Speaker you look very well now that you can afford to travel outside the country for your medical needs. All credit goes to Yaya Jammeh and me. And Mr Speaker, I understand that you and your colleagues are about to give yourselves a lot more money in salary and benefit increases. We thank God for your foresight.  Honorable members of parliament; I hope those of you who went to Egypt made a lot of money in per diems. More importantly, I hope all of you are enjoying your brand new Prados and all the beautiful allowances you allocated to yourselves. I am also glad to see that your UDP colleagues never go against anything that benefits all members of parliament. That is unity, and we must all unite to ensure we continue to benefit as a united government.  Mr Speaker, there is a reason our brothers and sisters in the judiciary also want beautiful allowances and salaries

“We will protest if…” COPG Secretary General

COPG SG Team Outpost  Celestine Kujabi, the Secretary General of Coalition of Progressive Gambians (COPG) has said that they will protest if the 2020 Draft Constitution is not presented at the National Assembly before November.  Following the recent pronouncement by the President Adama Barrow during the State of the Nation address on Thursday for a referendum in December, the CoPG said it is not yet convinced that there is going to be a referendum in December.  “It must be noted that this is not the first time the President is making such a pronouncement. Our concern is not only a delay for a referendum but the amendment or changes that may be made in some of the provisions that are not in favor of the ruling party and also the commitment by the ruling party to support the original form of the constitution which all stakeholders are calling for.” he said. He continued: “It's evidently clear that if certain provisions or clauses are tampered most of the stakeholders will reject it.

Gambia to hold referendum on new constitution in 2024

Team Outpost  President Adama Barrow has reiterated his commitment to hold a referendum on the new draft Constitution in December 2024. “Since 2017, my administration has embarked on significant legal reforms. Our efforts include introducing a new Constitution, and we remain committed to pursuing it this year. It is hoped that a referendum on the new Constitution will be held in December 2024.” he said  He made these remarks on Thursday during the State of Nation Address. The SONA address is a constitutional requirement for the President to appear before lawmakers to update the citizens on the current state of the country, according to section 77 (1) of the 1997 Constitution. The speech features range of issues, including the Economy, National Security, Health, Education among others.                                                            On The Economy He said In 2023, the Gambian economy surpassed the projected growth rate for Sub-Saharan Africa and stood at 5.3%.  “This resulted