Column | Author Shares His Views On Gov’t Land Allocation System

By Alagie Saidy-Barrow 

I have argued, at various times that as a people, unless the foundations we stand on are dismantled, Gambia will never rise. I still stand by that position. And when I say dismantled, people assume it’s destruction but that is not the case here. Dismantling means systematically taking apart every single piece of the columns we stand on and examining them to see if they are fit for purpose. For instance, why do we feel the need to give prime land to the President or public and civil servants? You’ll hardly ever hear such prime lands being given to some poor woman in the backwaters of Badibu? How fair is this land allocation system? We seldom ask these types of questions because those who are supposed to play the drum and sitting comfortably on it. 

Gambia is not where it is today because Gambians are stupid or lazy, no, we are where we are because we insist on colonial foundations that have never worked for any African country! And these foundations were meant to advance those in the colonial government and not the people of the country! It is the same for our idea of a government today. Government exists, first and foremost, to benefit those with power, their families, and friends. And the foundation of public service we remain married to encourages a mindset where public service comes with a sickening entitlement to public resources. Serving the public means enriching oneself and giving yourself and your family perks that will never be availed to the average Gambian. Land is just one of them! 

The sense of entitlement has led to a rat race in the country and nowhere is this rat race manifested more than in public or civil service. The idea of public service is based on the colonial system of serving the leaders with the best of what is available and then worry about the people later! Government service means giving land to so called public servants before thinking about giving land to those who need it the most. Government service means accumulating wealth and resources, including land, on the backs of poor Gambians. That is why your judiciary, legislature and executive give themselves all kinds of benefits that poor Gambians cannot even begin to imagine!

This system of allocating land to elites and semi-elites is all part of the rat race and the buffet mentality of public service. I’m sure my mother never knew that she was eligible for any piece of land and I can guarantee you that most Gambians living in the rural areas are not aware that they are eligible for land. That is by design. While the government will claim that all Gambians are entitled to land allocation, they know very well that by the time the people of Jahkunda know that land is being allocated, all prime lands would have been given to public and civil servants and their families! And as usual, when confronted, they will always tell you that they followed due process or that there is nothing illegal in their action. Right or wrong does not matter as much as legality! 

For me, this issue about Adama Barrow giving himself land or Ousainou Darboe telling us his family members also got land goes beyond the two of them. There is an unfair system in place that allows powerful people, public and civil servants to accumulate wealth and resources at the expense of The Gambian people. That system must be dismantled because it promotes greed and entitlement. You will be shocked to know how many “important” people who are rich and doing well, still find ways to leech on the backs of poor Gambians. And they all follow due process! It is the foundation of our governance architecture that is corrosive because it encourages corruption, greed, selfishness, duplicity and spinelessness. We can change the oarsman but our boat will continue to sink if we don’t address the systemic loopholes that are taking water. 

But since we want to remain married to that system, I’d advise you to get closer to the government if you want to chop! You’ll get free land, a free car, free petrol, a generous loan to do what you desire, travel extensively and you don’t really have to show anything for any work you do. Why do you think people like Dr Ismaila Ceesay and Seedy Njie disown their previous convictions and statements and become totally new people? A friend tells me it’s a rational choice! The day Gambians realize that government exists to serve those in government and their friends, will be the day we demand better!

About the Author

The author is a regular contributor to this medium 

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