GEA condemns exploitation of salagi forest park


The Gambia Environmental Alliance (GEA) strongly opposes the decision by the

Department of Forestry to grant GACH Group temporary usage of a portion of Salagi

Forest Park. This move blatantly disregards key provisions of the Forest Act, 2018,

undermining the principles of sustainable forest management and community engagement enshrined in Gambian law.


Legal Violations and Oversights


The Forest Act, 2018, specifically outlines the following requirements that have been


1. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA):

• Section 82 mandates that any activity impacting forest areas must undergo an

Environmental Impact Assessment to evaluate potential environmental risks. No such assessment has been conducted or disclosed.

2. Community Engagement:

• Sections 24 and 25 emphasize the importance of community participation in decisions

regarding forest use. The Sukuta community, who are custodians of Salagi Forest, were

neither consulted nor informed.

3. Sustainable Management and Transparency:

• Sections 55 and 75 require that forest activities align with a management plan aimed at

ecological preservation and public benefit. The lack of transparency around GACH Group’s

activities undermines public trust and accountability.

The Reality Behind “Temporary Use”

The ongoing excavation and construction of fencing foundations within Salagi Forest Park

clearly indicate permanent intentions, posing a serious threat to the ecological balance of the

area. Attempts to label these activities as “temporary” are misleading and contradict the very principles of sustainable forest governance.


Salagi Forest: A Critical Public Resource


Salagi Forest Park is an invaluable ecological and community resource, providing:

• A buffer against climate change through carbon sequestration,

• Protection for The Gambia’s biodiversity,

• Livelihood support for surrounding communities, and

• Cultural and environmental significance for future generations.


GEA’s Position


We stand in solidarity with the Sukuta community and all Gambians advocating for the

preservation of our natural heritage. GEA unequivocally states: Our forests are not

commodities to be exploited for private gain under any guise.


Our Demands


1. An immediate halt to all activities by GACH Group in Salagi Forest Park.

2. Full disclosure of all agreements and approvals granted to GACH Group.

3. Strict adherence to the provisions of the Forest Act, 2018, including the completion of an

EIA and meaningful community consultations.

4. The prioritization of sustainable forest management and community empowerment in all decisions affecting Gambian forests.