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Essay | This Time Tomorrow

  By Amadou Manjang   This time tomorrow I will leave the newsroom for good. The testimony of the moment is the stories of the society which pressure is felt by all [I’m not speaking of the wealthy]. As a reporter, I am always in the service of nursing my agony when telling people what is wrong when they already knew what is wrong in a country where everything seems wrong. Our job is terrible one and I think we often need some therapy sessions to muse our sanity since we are daily bombarded by the bleeding wounds of the society: pain, hunger, poverty, death, and crime of the ordinary people. We have double dose of these things. Firstly, we have our own dose of it as individuals living with it. Secondly, we have the dose as individual who daily collected these stories from the people. This surplus pain will eke our mental health out before we knew what is happening. And there isn’t any support to avert it as I write. We listen to people’s stories of sickness and unpaid med...