
Sidia Jatta to receive African Heroes Awards

Renowned Linguist, Politician and Writer Sidia Jatta, has on Friday arrived at Columbus, Ohio to receive the African Heroes Awards Early Life And Education Sidia Jatta was born in Sutukoba 1945, in Wuli District. He was educated locally and at Nungua Secondary School, near Accra, Ghana from 1961 to 1963, before returning to The Gambia to attend Yundum College from 1964 to 1966. After working as a school teacher in various primary and secondary schools until 1972, he enrolled at the University of Grenoble from 1973 to 1978, obtaining undergraduate and master's degrees in linguistics. He returned to France again to further his study in 1983. Career After returning to The Gambia, Jatta worked for the Curriculum Development Centre from 1978 to 1983, later as senior curriculum development officer, and was also a research fellow at the International African Institute, London from 1980 to 1982. He resigned from the government in 1986 in protest to the performance of the ruling People'

President elect Diomaye Faye to be sworn in

President-elect Bassirou Diomaye Faye will be sworn in on Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at the Abdou Diouf International Centre - CICAD, in Diamniadio. Ceremony will start at 11 Following his swearing-in, the new president will be officially sworn in during a transfer of power with outgoing president Macky Sall later in the afternoon of the same day. On this occasion, the outgoing president, Macky Sall, will officially hand over the reins of the country to his elected successor, Bassirou Diomaye Faye. This transfer of power will mark the beginning of Bassirou Diomaye Faye's presidential term, newly elected with 54.28% of the vote, according to official provisional results announced on Wednesday.

Opinion | Democracy Wins A People's Victory

By Almamy Fanding Taal The change we celebrate today in Senegal is 25 years in the making: the SOPE /ALTERNACE Project of President Wade is the source code for the constitutional reforms aka TERM LIMITS which started with dismantling the post colonial administrative State that was led by the Ecole Superiere elite.  A Renaissance continued by President Macky Sall and the PASTEF Project should not outrightly disown this patrimony of Senegal.  Now that the dust has settled the urgent question to ask within a pan African context is what  should African progressives propose with a view to addressing the crisis of legitimacy in the Sahel? On the currency question the world is fast digitalizing with crypto currencies and blockchain technology but most importantly currencies are legal tender which is really a legal construct and the real values of which are directly correlated to the real economy. Therefore the real question is how do we create employment opportunities for the people to create

Senegal’s Post-election: Who Is Basirou Diomaye Faye?

The post-election atmosphere looks relatively calm, as Senegalese awaits the final declaration of results. Basirou Diomaye Faye secured 54% of the votes, whilst his main contender Amadou Bah secured 35%   WHO IS BASIROU DIOMAYE FAYE? Bassirou Diomaye Faye (born 25 March 1980 in Ndiaganiao, in the western department of Mbour Senegal. is a Senegalese politician and former tax inspector who is the president-elect of Senegal He is the former general secretary of dissolved PASTEF and won the 2024 Senegalese presidential election in place of disqualified candidate Ousmane Sonko In 2000, Faye earned his baccalaureate. He successfully attained a master's degree in law and subsequently cleared both competitive exams, enrolling at the National School of Administration (ENA) and the magistracy in 2004. Political career Initially a guest when the party was founded, Faye swiftly ascended to become one of the most prominent figures within the party.[1] He would go on to become one of the ideolog

Senegal election: Campaign ends ahead of election

   Photo credit: SenTV Team Oupost Campaign have ended ahead of Sunday's presidential election. Seventeen contenders are running for the election. The election is widely seen between the two main contenders Amadou Ba, of the Government party candidate and Bassirou Diomaye FAYE of the Opposition defunct PASTEF party.  Earlier last month, President Macky Sall announced the postponement of the  February 24th election, citing irregularities of some candidates.  His pronouncement sparked many civil unrest. The Supreme Court rejected his moved and called on him to organise fresh election.  Diomaye Faye is the backup candidate of Ousmane Sonko, after their party was dissolved in November last year by Macky Sall to formed a coalition. The duo were released last week after Macky Sall granted amnesty to political prisoners.  Many young voters are seeing Amadou Ba as a continuity of President Macky Sall, saying Bassirou Diomaye Faye will sweep the polls.

Health | The positive effects of Ramadan on your mental health

  |  Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, during which Muslims are encouraged to abstain from food and drink between dusk and dawn.| Before you fast, it is always a good idea to check in with your doctor to determine whether or not you should. If you are unable to fast, you can pay the fidyah instead, where you give a poor and hungry person the amount of money equivalent to the cost of two meals a day. How fasting and being charitable helps your mental health Fasting is not only about abstaining from food. You also avoid harmful speech such as talking ignorantly or indecently, and also shun negative actions such as arguing or fighting. By doing so, we can focus on developing good behaviours and increasing the number of good deeds we do. Throughout Ramadan, there is an emphasis on charity and thinking of those in need in order to find ways to unify our community. During this month, we start to think of how we can give back and how to connect with our family and those around us.

GWA-FC threatens to demonstrate against external interference on FGM

  By Sheriff Saidykhan The Gambia Women are Free to Choose (GWA-FC) a pro female circumcision advocacy group have threatened to demonstrate against any external interference on FGM in the country.  “We will mobilize and respond in our numbers to demonstrate against any interference from external FGM organizations or actions from donor countries that infringe on our democratic and constitutional rights as Gambian citizens,” the release said In a press release yesterday, the group expressed concerned with Amnesty International’s misguided call on Gambin Parliamentarians to maintain a ban on FGM  “W are concerned about misleading statements made by human rights organizations, such as Amnesty International. First, the terminology that is used in the Women’s Act 2010 is “Female Circumcision” and not Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), as we also mistakenly assumed. Gambian women do not practice or support the “mutilation” of females or males.  Second, for an international human rights organiza